NT$2,060 NT$1,695

Derma Beauty 玻尿酸保濕超值組
[Derma Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Pack (60 capsules and 1.5ml HA Serum)]

Derma Beauty 玻尿酸保濕超值組
重返美麗, 年輕的新發現由內而外,重組青春的環節

含有天然粹取的雞冠小分子玻尿酸 (100mg)、膠原蛋白第二型、軟骨素、皮膚硫酸素等皮膚細胞所需保養成分,能讓皮膚具有光澤與彈性,並保持皮膚的柔軟與光滑,預防並減緩肌膚老化及皺紋產生。

添加葡萄籽OPC、硫辛酸、天然維他命C 等抗氧化物成分,具強力保濕、長效濕潤、柔嫩肌膚作用。創造透明水嫩,青春活力肌膚不可欠缺之全方位極致養顏美容食品。

美國BioCell Technology, LLC. 研發世界唯一口服小分子玻尿酸專利產品 而且BioCell Collagen II® 唯一開發出可以經由口服吸收的100%天然雞冠萃取物小分子玻尿酸,已經獲得美國獨家專利. 符合美國FDA的食品安全規範GRAS under DSHEA. 選購時務必認明有BioCell Collagen II®-原廠標示才是優質成份.

A breakthrough in skin care technology, The Derma Beauty HA combo system was developed using clinically researched and patented technology to deliver Bio-Optimized™ Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid that can permeate the skin layers to address the signs of aging where they begin.

Derma Beauty HA also contains a complex blend of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and nutraceutical herbs. Rediscover skin that looks and feels healthy and radiates with a youthful glow. Use the oral dietary supplement for internal rejuvenation and for more effective results; apply Derma Beauty HA Skin Rejuvenating Serum to protect your skin's outer beauty. The serum provides immediate topical benefit to help combat the oxidizing effects on skin of everyday bombardment of sun rays and air pollutants.

Derma Beauty HA (口服小分子玻尿酸) is made with BioCell Collagen II™ and contains a Bio-Optimized™ proprietary blend for enhanced absorption that includes these beneficial ingredients for the skin:

· Hyaluronic Acid (HA): An important healing element of the skin’s tissue that functions as a moisturizer in the skin.

· Collagen Type II: The main structural building block of connective tissue.

· Chondroitin Sulfate: Supports connective tissue strength

· Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Citrus Bioflavanoids, Rosemary Antioxidant Extract, Peppermint Oil Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract and Grape Seed Extract: Powerful antioxidants to protect the skin against free radical damage.

· Ascorbyl Palmitate, Alpha Lipoic Acid and DMAE Bitartrate: The latest researched ingredients for skin support and healthier aging

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