NT$85 NT$55

新! Oral-B 隨身口腔美白潔牙片 3片裝

新! Oral-B 隨身口腔美白潔牙片 3片裝
New! Oral-B Brush-Ups

這是歐樂B最新推出的口腔美白潔牙片,獨立式的小片包裝方便您隨身攜帶,在喝完咖啡或下午茶後,輕鬆的套在手指頭上就可以使用囉~~ ^^b 讓您隨時隨地都能保持清新的好口氣,這可是讓愛美的水水棉輕鬆保持牙齒美白健康的小秘密喔~^_*

Now you can get that just-brushed feeling anytime, anywhere. With Oral-B Brush-Ups textured teeth wipes, all you have to do is rip one open, slip it on your finger and brush your teeth. You'll get a clean mouth and fresh breath when you're on the go - no water or sink required.

.Textured cleaning surface to clean teeth
.Burst of mint flavor to freshen mouth and breath
.Thin, compact size makes it easy to carry in your wallet
.Comfortable, slip-on design fits most finger sizes
.Individually packaged
.Material acts as moisture barrier between your finger and mouth

容量 : 3 片裝

美國代買 - 愛美麗的雜貨舖