
GNC Citrimax 藤黃果 90 顆裝
[GNC Citrimax from Garcinia Cambogia, Tablets 90 ea]

GNC Citrimax 藤黃果 90 顆裝
藤黃果(Garcinia Cambogia)是一種類似柑橘的果實,從藤黃果中萃取出來的HCA,具有減少碳水化合物轉化成為脂肪、促進燃燒脂肪、排除體內多餘的脂肪的作用,用餐前30分鐘攝取 HCA,可以達到最佳效果。HCA也具有增加飽足感,以達到降低食慾及減少飢餓感的效果!

籐黃果HCA的作用原理,就是在葡萄糖轉為脂肪時,抑制其中一個ATP Citrate lyase的酵素,使脂肪酸無法合成,並且抑制糖解(glycolysis)作用的進行,因此,減少體內能量的吸收!

.Supplies HCA 水合檸檬酸
.Enhanced with Chromium

Citrimax is a patented botanical extract derived from the exotic citrus fruit called Garcinia cambogia. This enhanced formula also provides chromium, which plays an important role in glucose utilization and is required for the release of energy from glucose.+ Use stimulant-free CitriMax® with a reduced calorie diet or as part of your daily nutritional program.

No sugar, No starch, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Preservatives, Sodium Free, No Wheat, No Gluten, No Corn, No Soy, No Dairy, Yeast Free

Potency of chromium verified by GNC procedure #4000. Conforms to USP <2091> disintegration.

容量 : 90 顆

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