
??? GPB ????? 11 oz.
[Aubrey OrganicsGPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner 11 oz.]

??? GPB ????? 11 oz.
For All Hair Types

Feed your hair a healthy, balanced diet with our #1-selling conditioner. Nutrient-rich, protein-based GPB rehydrates and reenergizes your hair, strengthens hair fiber and repairs damage from salon treatments to restore softness, manageability and shine. Our most popular product ever.

?? : 11 oz.
????: Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base, Organic Aloe Vera, Wheat Germ Oil, Lactalbumin, Organic Rosemary Oil, Organic Sage Oil, Horsetail Extract, Coltsfoot Extract, Nettle Extract, Amino Acid Complex (Cysteine, Methionine), Glycoprotein (from oyster shells), Balsam Oil, Aubrey's Preservative (Citrus Seed Extract, Vitamins A, C and E).

AUBREY ORGANICS®?????????1967?????? 100% ?????????????????????????????1994????????????????????????

AVEDA 迷迭香薄荷潤髮乳 8.5 oz.
AVEDA 迷迭香薄荷潤髮乳 8.5 oz.

美國代買 - 愛美麗的雜貨舖