
Procerin普沙林豐茂甦活精華慕絲 30 ml 1 個月量
[Procerin XT Foam 30ml]

Procerin普沙林豐茂甦活精華慕絲 30 ml 1 個月量

Procerin - Hair Loss Vitamin For Men

Procerin XT Topical Activator Serum should be applied directly to the scalp - the active ingredients block the binding of DHT to receptors of the hair follicle and stimulate new growth in the crown and temple area.

Procerin XT Topical Serum ingredients include Oleic Acid, Saw Palmetto Extract, Grapeseed Extract (Procyanidin Oligomers), Pygeum Bark, Linoleic and Alpha Linolenic Acid, Stinging Nettle Extract, and Azelaic Acid.



Procerin 要服用多久才會見效?

由於頭髮的長成是很緩慢的 (約每兩個月長一英吋),因此建議至少需持續服用 Procerin 1~2 個月。儘管部份的 Procerin 用戶報告在兩週內就見成效,大多數人是採用 1~3 個月以達到顯著的效果。相較於落健 (Rogaine) 的 4 個月、柔沛 (Propecia) 的 6 個月,Procerin 是能較快見效的。Procerin 同時提供 90 天內無條件退貨 (沒有任何處方藥提供此類保證) 若您覺得不滿意,請退回貨品,Procerin 會全額退費。

Procerin is a natural hair vitamin that is specially formulated to block production of DHT, the primary cause of hair loss in men. Procerin's primary ingredients, such as saw palmetto, Gotu Kola, Nettles, are proven to block DHT and combat the effects of hair loss and thinning hair. Procerin blocks DHT without reacting with testosterone (as some prescription medications do). This reduces, and can even halt, the further loss of hair from the scalp, without causing the sexual side effects of prescription drugs like finasteride (Propecia). Men of all ages, and all levels of hair loss, can benefit from Procerin. Whether you are concerned about stopping hair loss before it becomes a problem, or already have significant loss of hair, Procerin can help.

容量 : 精華慕絲 30 ml, 1 個月量

美國代買 - 愛美麗的雜貨舖