
Sephora Flirt-It Lash Duo

Sephora Flirt-It Lash Duo

擁有一雙水汪汪的大眼睛是每一位水水的夢想, 當妮細心的完成一個完美無暇的彩妝的時候, 如果能再加上一雙如洋娃娃般的長睫毛眨呀眨呀的明眸, 那就是太Perfect啦~~~!! Sephora 輕舞飛揚睫毛組, 就能達到這樣的效果喲! 毛質就像真的睫毛一樣的柔軟自然, 半寬的睫毛片適合白天使用, 輕輕順著眼角部位黏貼, 讓妮的雙眼像貓咪般的可愛撫媚, 全長的睫毛片則適合在晚上參加party或有聚會時使用, 能達到難以置信的性感迷人效果, 讓妮成為全場注目的焦點喲~~!

Set includes one half strip and one full strip of lashes, plus a tube of lash adhesive.

To use: Remove one strip of lashes (either half or full) from the case at a time. Pierce the top of the adhesive tube with a small pin and apply a fine, oblong bead of glue along the entire length of the lash strip. Allow adhesive to set for 30-60 seconds until tacky, then apply the lash strip to the base of your natural lashes in the center first (to be sure it's centered properly), working from the center outward to the outer corners. Apply mascara if desired.


美國代買 - 愛美麗的雜貨舖